Thursday, December 13, 2012

This week so far

School is over, as of this past Sunday night at 11:59.5pm when I turned in my final paper that was due at midnight. I have gotten all of my grades back except one and I have been checking it in I have checked it 3 times today and it's only noon. This guy is taking his sweet time and driving me crazy. But so far so good, another semester down and 1 year to go. Now I have a whole month off and don't know what to do with myself.

So far this week we got a new tree, did some crafts, baked, cleaned, got some packages ready to mail out and all that stuff that moms and babies do.

Last night was wine night Wednesday and Eve stayed up until 10pm sitting on Daddy's lap staring at the campfire. She LOVES camp fires! And being outside in general. Between that and the fact that Steve is already talking about teaching her how to ride 4-wheelers and shoot guns, she is going to be the cutest little tomboy ever...but lets not get ahead of ourselves

She has been lounging around all morning. I think being up past her bedtime wore her out!

This is the tootsie tree that Eve and I made a few days ago
(our version of something we found on Pinterest). I was pretty proud that we managed it
without getting paint on anything other than her feet and the cardstock.

Since I was dead set on Evelyn having a real tree for Christmas this year and every year, Steve took our dead tree back to the tree man and he gave us a new one. I got all scratched up by the dead tree, found 2 spiders in the new tree and feel like I spent 2 days of my life in a tangle of Christmas lights. Finally, it's all done and I am glad we have a tree that is living and pretty. I am going to water the shit out of it and feed it sprite.

Can you tell that I like a little tree with my lights?

Eve has received 2 Christmas ornaments from family members so far and there is one more on the way, so she is off to a good start on her ornament collection. When she is old enough [not to break the  ornaments and try to eat the glass], she she can have her own small tree in her room. By the time she moves out she should have a whole big tree full!

I ordered a memorial ornament for my dad this year, and also an ornament for a friend who just had a big milestone in their life (it's a secret, because I know you are reading this). I love ornaments that mean something....pulling them out every year and remembering where they came from!

For anyone who didn't get to see our ugly sweater family from this past weekend:

Doesn't Steve look like an adorable little golf caddy?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Half Birthday!

Today is little miss Eve's half birthday. To celebrate, I am going to bombard you with 10,000 pictures.

 I can't believe my tiny baby is 6 months old now, that seriously went by so fast. People always say kids grow up so fast, and I am all like "way to be cliche!"...but no, seriously. She is like a small child now and I feel like she was born last week.

We went to her 6 month check-up today and she is in the 35th percentile for weight and 71st percentile for height, which basically just means nothing besides that she is healthy and tall. She is getting mobile pretty quickly- trying her best to crawl and is almost there. Right now she scoots and rolls everywhere. If I leave her on a blanket on the carpet, I come back a couple minutes later to find that she is 5 feet away licking the tile floor. So basically I am going to have to figure out a better way to keep her contained...and baby proof and turn into a ninja.

A few days ago I put her on her bedroom floor to go switch the laundry and she found her way under the bed.

I declined her shots today because we have a full weekend ahead, so we have to go back to get them Monday. Poor girl probably thought she was home free. NOT!

We are going to see SANTA tonight at a festival type thing on Ft. Huachuca! There is a hayride to look at Christmas lights and crafts too, so I will have just as much fun! And Steve will be a good sport. This will be Eve's second run in with Santa, and she loved him the first time.

Tomorrow night we have a tacky sweater Christmas party to go to. Both Steve and Evelyn have outfits already but I still have to find something.

I just found out recently that the photographer that took our newborn pictures is holding beginning photography classes on Ft. Huachuca in the new year. I am really excited to sign up for those so that I can actually have some sort of rhyme or reason to the setting I use when I take pictures of Evelyn. I haven't even read the manual to our camera and I miss a lot of good shots that way. She is super talented and there is a lot to be learned from her. I would love to tag her in this for those that live in the area, but this blogging thing is not as simple as Facebook to me so her name is Heather Bird. If you want to learn how to use your camera, take this class with me (contact me for the schedule).

Here are some other pictures of our family from this past week. I think this first one is hilarious because she just threw up on me and she is winking at the camera while I cleaned up.

P.S. check out her cute grey leggings, those are the ones made from  knee socks.

RIP Ravens onsie, you gave us a good few months.

RIP Christmas tree, you gave us a good 8 days.

The chef on game day.

AND lastly: A sneak peek to our Christmas card this year, because if I send one to everyone that we know, I will be addressing envelopes the entire month of December. Don't worry, it's not a total spoiler, there are other pictures on it too.

Hope your weekend is merry and BRIGHT!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Birds and bows.

Well it is Dec 1st, AKA the countdown to Christmas and the day before Ravens vs. Steelers second match-up. We have Steelers fan friends coming over to watch the game with us tomorrow and Steve is doing another deep-fried turkey. Eve got a little festive this morning for Christmas and for football.

 So did her dad.

And I'm....wearing purple sweatpants. No pictures of that for you!

I made a list of all of the Holiday events we have going on this month and made sure our little princess has enough cute wintery/ Christmasy outfits for all of them...what do you know, she does. Plus some. Guess we will be dressing up to sit around the house, too. Now if it would only get a little colder so she can actually wear them without sweating to death. 

Last night, I made Eve the cutest little leg warmers out of knee high socks from the dollar store- 2 pairs. Of course I am obsessed with them now. I am going to check Marshall's, Ross, Target and all other cheap stores in the surrounding area for cute knee high socks so I can make them for every occasion. I also ordered Eve some new bows and a winter hat from Etsy. I can't wait to decorate her in all her cute things and take 1000 pictures. 

Hurry up, mail man! I will make you some cookies if you bring my mail the quickest....there's a bald child here that NEEDS her headpieces. Then maybe the old men at the grocery store will stop asking if she is a boy or a girl when she is dressed in all pink. 

I have been loving the Lady Antebellum holiday station on Pandora so far (when Steve "killer of all Christmas music dreams" is in the garage). If anyone else has a great station, I am open to suggestions. Don't forget that "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" is on tomorrow night. I am SO looking forward to it! It will be a perfect way to end the night after a Ravens win. :)

That's all for now. 


Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Well last night I laid in bed with Steve talking about how maybe I really should start looking for a job... in the next couple of least by the time Evelyn is a year old. He said "whatever makes you happy" which is so sweet and wonderful of him, but I know he really means "man I would love to buy that... [insert tool/gun/truck part here]". SO I perused craigslist jobs on my phone for a while in the dark and upon finding nothing, was like "oh well I tried!" and went to sleep. 

This morning we woke up to Eve coo'ing and playing on the monitor which is just about the cutest thing ever. I went in her room and wiggled her out from in between her crib slats because her latest thing is to get stuck. Then, I gave her some milk and tried feeding her some bananas. She doesn't like bananas today. And she didn't like carrots yesterday. And she didn't like rice cereal the day before that. This kid hates food. Breast milk forever!!!!! NOT.

I remembered that I needed to get a picture of her eating from a spoon for her Nonni to put in her scrapbook, so I broke out the camera and tried force feeding her for a bit just to get the shot. She wasn't having it. She grabbed the spoon out of my hand and threw her bananas. I am the one that ended up with bananas on my face, not her. Eve thinks that I really need some potassium in my life. And I guess I should shampoo the couch sooner or later because there is about 5 months worth of baby food/milk/barf and pee on it. To the people who sit on my couch, I am sorry.

Back to my job hunt- so I looked on a few websites today and then somehow found myself on Pinterest,  where I came up with a spectacular idea! I will make my own cleaning products! Not in bulk, just for myself...but it is resourceful, shows initiative and saves money. Naturally, Steve will love me even more and think I am so awesomely domestic that he will never want me to work...or not notice at all. Either way, I am doing it.

 Oh, and I started a blog so my family and friends can see cute pictures of my baby, crafts, recipes and other random things that we are doing.

To all of the people on my Facebook that are sick of my obsessive baby pics popping up on their newsfeed, you're welcome. :)